We want to help people understand their relationship with money. What does money mean to you and how do you view it, perceive and use it? We know that investing is much more than just the study of finance. We consider it a study of how people behave with money. It’s the behavior we are gauging and learning so that we can apply our financial barometer in order to fully understand what you as our client want, need and what motivates you (i.e. what’s your passion)? By understanding this component, we engage with clients like no other advisors in the business, on a financial, personal and even spiritual level, if you will.
As you can see, part of our investment philosophy is helping you find yours. This could mean helping a client overcome behavioral bias. As much as we act as the financial trainer and support mechanism, the world still occurs around us each day. How do we balance the emotional rollercoaster that is inherent in investing with that of a steady and methodical approach, all the while, being bombarded by market news and headline risk? Many times, it’s simply an evaluation of loss aversion – the fear of losing money more than obtaining increased value in your investment portfolio.
Other times, it may be our coaching that enables a client to get past that point of procrastination or calming irrational fears. When markets are going up for extended periods of time, it often creates a sense of confidence in knowing how to manage a financial portfolio. It’s all too often that we come in after a correction to pick up the pieces that we would have rather had a chance to partner in advance of such setbacks – hence hindsight is 20/20.
Often we discover someone’s risk level does not line up with where the actual portfolio risk lies. We look at the risk variables under a microscope – alpha, standard deviation, overlap, fees, benchmarking, etc. to come up with an allocation that makes sense. Most important, taxes and liquidity stages are all part of this equation as well.
Our clients fall into a few different categories, but they all have one thing in common. They want an experienced professional they can trust to lead them in the right direction. They want to feel comfortable asking tough questions knowing they will receive honest, straightforward answers in return. We do for our clients as we would for our own family members. Maybe it’s how we were raised, but that’s a pretty easy litmus test if you ask us.